We need to look into common factors. Hormones are the likely link, and the only hormone source that makes sense as a stimulus at this point is the influence of the complex growth stimulating system known as milk (and all the products that are made with it). Could I ask you to consider the fact that the folliculosebaceous unit is actually the folliculopilosebaceous unit, composed of three distinctly different physiological units, all of which are impacted by the androgens and their fellow-travellers (and whey and casein-derived facilitators) present in dairy products. Melnik has written extensively on this (See PMID 23883112 and 22891897 Free PMC Articles) and we are finding it to be a very significant influence in acne vulgaris and acne inversa (hidradenitis suppurativa).

The 'system' facilitates anything that depends upon activation of the androgen receptors. Think acne, alopecia, weight gain, fat babies, etc etc etc.

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