More specifically, the system I am using involves sputtered/ebeam evaporated platinum microelectrodes ~50*50 micrometers spaced apart at roughly 50 microns too. A current current pulse of 1-4 uA for 2-5 seconds is injected. I am confused about the presence of additional salts in PBS affecting the evolved gas. From basic Nernst equation relationships I believe it's possible to compute hydrogen and oxygen evolved from H20 given the standard potentials but are there other interesting charge transfer resistances introduced by additional ions? For instance, how might one begin to model chlorine gas evolution from the chlorine ions. The next step would also be to try to understand dissolution of the small microbubble that was just generated as well since Pt is a well known catalyst for H2 and O2 recombination.
Thank you for your time and please let me know if there is anything I can do to clarify.