This is due to oxidation of the titanium alloys with an oxide layer a few microns thick. This layer makes the surface hydrofil. Before the heat treatment, the oxide layer thickness was only a few nanometers and that was too little to change from hydrophobic metal surface to hydrofile oxide surface.
at the temperatures you indicate, Titanium Nitride (TiN) could probably form, a yellow and rather hydrophilic compound, even compared to other titanium nitride coatings.
For more details, please see the following papers:
A comparative study of titanium nitrides, TiN, TiNbN and TiCN, as coatings forbiomedical applications
A.P. Serro, C. Completo, R. Colaço, F. dos Santos, C. Lobato da Silva, J.M.S. Cabral, H. Araújo,E. Pires, B. Saramago