trying to understand the impact and importance of training an development on organizational sustainability , the limitations to the research , the different type of strategies
First let us examine what is goals of training and development. These are integrated activities often handled by Human resource development department or even CEO in mid sized forms.
What training does. Training are of three types
Attitude correction training
Skill development training -specific for individual or small group of individuals, for example paint shop
Management training that exposes employees to larger goals of organization and various functions of management ,team building and innovation
Hence proper designing of training programs and regularly carrying them out in entire organization is important.
Such training programs create sense of belonging and team work . Motivate employees , give them capability to take decisions of their area, knowledge about other parts of organizations and innovative ideas and suggestions are generated.
With multi tasking capability and state of the art technology employed, such professional organizations have lean manufacturing, slim organizations and multiple role capability in motivated employees. There is free communication possible between various departments and all have knowledge of what is happening inside and outside the organization and how to manage emergencies. The whole organization is customer focused.
Hence per employee productivity and quality is high , this keeps costs in check and facilitates quicker creation of new products or modifications
In the economic downturns that is what you exactly need. Slim organizations, motivated multi tasking employees and strong brand image.