Sometimes, the upvotes/downvotes you receive on RG could be a useful indication of
what the listeners are thinking. It is almost as if you are reading their minds, without
actually having them talk to you. The effectiveness of this system comes from its
simplicity. Only two options are allowed: UPVOTE, DOWNVOTE.
I found that, when we have an inexperienced student who is preparing the presentation of a new paper we will present at a conference, (s)he has to build experience in understanding what the listeners are thinking, or, what sounds good and is presented well, and what doesn't. I am wondering if an RG-like simple voting system for student presentations would be possible, where, every listener (say, 10, 20 of them) has an upvote and downvote button. That way, the student gets a good idea about the presentation, and tries to improve his/her presentation on the next round. Is this practical ? Any thoughts ?