My advice is you to rather make a youtube channel to show to the world what a genius you are. It is not a quackery website here. I'm sick of pseudo-science everywhere.
Requested to read my all articles including my recent published articles "Revised Standard Model of Physics and Origin of Biology" & "Mind and Consciousness as Created by Electromagnetic Force".
Some energies maintain the laws of Wave-Particle Duality or Uncertainty Principles but not all. This law can maintain only those energies which are constructed by the symmetry breaking of the GUT of SU(5), that means Matter Oriented Consciousness created (creating by the Quantum Gravity) energy particles which can maintain the wave-particle duality.
Always remembered that all energy sources created beyond garvity never formed particles always remaining in waves.
That means all energy sources formed by SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),......etc. Super Unified Gaussian Energy Groups SU(23), SU(47),.......are always remained only in wave formed in another phase.
These above mentioned energies activities are always remained Pseudos and assuming it as Consciousness.