Dear Vafadar, its always a pleasure to hear from you. your explanations comforts my view on the matter and I can only express my most sincere gratitudes to you. Thank you so much
While core samples may give continuous information, consider the cost of sinking a well versus cost of field collections. The outcrop sampling is much cheaper and easy to access. Also when you consider the nature of work, i.e. the information addressed since geology is not only about oil and gas, then there is no comparison between well and outcrop samples if one were using invertebrate, vertebrate fossils or palaeobotanical remains in various evolutionary or palaeoenvironmental issues or facies. In such studies, well samples could be useless just as megafossils would have been pulverized in drilling. Each is extremely useful, depending on the nature of research. Note much integrated work is carried out even before siting the well.