Dear Honorable Colleagues,

I would like to initiate a discussion concerning the approach presenting active galaxies as stars at extra galactic scale. So, Quasar, Radio galaxy, Blasar and other AGN represent the same type of active galaxies seen at different ages and not from different view angles.

Adopting this idea, we can assume that: the quasar is similar to a T-Tauri star, the Blazar is similar to a neutron star, and the radiogalaxy is similar to an adult age star. If we take the complete chain of star evolution, we can also say that Hot, dust-obscured galaxy (hot DOG) is similar to a protostar, and HFLS3 galaxy is similar to a red giant.

If we take for example the radiogalaxy M87 (NGC 4486) considered as a star of adult age seen on extragalactic scale and we compare it to the Sun which is an adult star seen on the intragalactic scale, we note several common points between these two structures. these common points provide explanations for several phenomena. we cite as example.

1 / The random movement of stars in the nucleus of a radiogalaxy. This phenomenon can be considered as a nuclear reactions at extragalactic scale wich provids energy for the radiogalaxy. This phenomenon is similar to the random motion of the hydrogen protons in the core of adult age star wich is the source of the nuclear reactions.

2/ The supermassive black holes of active galaxies can be considered as stellar spots reproduced at a larger scale (extragalactic scale).

3/The presence of rings, loops and radio lobes in radiogalaxies, explain that the radio galaxies undergo eruptions and prominences at an extragalactic scale, similar to those that occur at intragalactic scale in adulthood stars .

4/ The fact that radio-galaxies are considered as a stars on the extragalactic scale, explains their presence in the center of subgroups of galaxies just like stars which are at the center of their planetary systems.

Other phenomena linked to other types of active galaxies (Quasar, Blazar...) find explanations in this approach.

For more detials, you can consult the link below, of the article titled " New model of unification of active galaxies and the different steps of their formation"

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