I'm using zebrafish as in-vivo models to study apoptosis induced by metal-compounds. I'm trying to use Acridine Orange (A.O) staining method to obtain qualitative data. However, I'm not sure if the images I've been getting are the right ones of just false positive images. I stain the zebrafish larva in 5 ug/ml A.O in E3 media for 20 minutes and wash it in E3 media for 5 minutes. Then, I apply tricaine 178 mg/L for 60 seconds and view the larva under the microscope. I'm limited by instruments and consumables. I do not have a depression slide (which is making it very hard to position the larva properly to take a side-way pictures on a normal microscope slide) and the microscope that I'm using is Nikon Eclipse E600. The software I use to take the pictures is ACT-1. I use the FITC filter. My question is how to know if I have a picture that shows signs of apoptosis under the microscope? Every journal I've referred to shows different A.O stained images and there are no similarities between them (almost). I'd appreciate if someone could tell me the settings I should use to get a proper image. I'm attaching a picture that I suspect is the positive result but I want to be sure that it's not a false positive. It would be great if someone could verify it.

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