Early career researchers are often faced with the problem of unfamiliarity with relevant data and information sources, journals, and search engines of academic papers. You want to conduct a review of literature, but do not know how to get the academic papers; you want to examine trends in prices, but do not know how to get the price data; you want to write a paper, but do not know how to write it; you want to publish a paper, but do not know about relevant journals. These and many more issues are faced by everyone doing research.

To contribute towards solving the above problem in the arena of agricultural economics, I have created a weblog that besides other contents contains links of important websites, list of academic journals in agricultural economics, list of online platforms for locating research papers, and sources to secondary data. The weblog is new, and will be updated time by time. You can access the weblog at https://agpricemonitor.blogspot.com

To enrich this weblog, I would need your support and suggestions. The important websites, data sources, search engines and others which are not included, please share with me so that I can include for our readers.

If you want to receive updates, please follow the weblog and subscribe.

I thank you for your kind support in advance.

Najibullah Hassanzoy, PhD

Kabul University, Afghanistan

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