9 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Zheng-shi Yu
Now I want to solve a navigation problem using both MHE and EKF. I found that MHE has a better performance than EKF for highly nonlinear system. Can anyone tell me the reason? What is the...
07 November 2014 8,749 3 View
I am investigating orbit determination for planetary exploration. I would like to try different kinds of estimation methods such as batch-based estimation and EKF. Up till now, I have found that...
10 April 2014 1,181 9 View
I have just learned about quantum communication. However, it seems a little difficult to understand the state of quantum entanglement. How can we know one quantum's state as soon as the other's...
01 April 2014 8,434 55 View
Hello everybody, I am trying to simulate the Entry, Descent and Landing phase of the Mars Science Laboratory. However, I can hardly find credible information about the state of the MSL at entry...
24 March 2014 8,792 9 View
As far as I know, the filter algorithm can be separated into two parts: prediction and update. How to optimally estimate the state relies on balancing the weight of prediction and update. On the...
18 March 2014 7,261 9 View
When I try to analyze the navigation for Mars approaching phase (entry 24h to entry), I find a significant divergence of rv in the last half hour. I used the X-ray pulsar measurements as...
14 March 2014 1,611 0 View
As far as I know, Mars has no inner dynamo to create a major global magnetic field. However, crustal magnetic fields exist on Mars. I would like to know how the property of this field changes with...
12 March 2014 3,535 7 View
As far as I know, pulsar-based navigation has been intensively investigated. I wonder are there any other natural bodies in the universe that can emit stable signals like pulsars?
06 March 2014 1,266 8 View
I want to describe the dynamics of atmospheric entry by means of orbit elements. However, because of the drag of atmosphere, the orbit of spacecraft changes from hyperbola to ellipse. Therefore,...
28 February 2014 3,239 4 View