11 Questions 110 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yuri Rylov
Such a question arises because of three problems (1) We cannot present geometry in the coordinate free form, although Euclid presented geometry in the coordinate free form, because coordinate...
30 March 2016 7,817 24 View
In the Riemannian geometry the distance between any two points is defined as an integral along the shortest curve (geodesic), connecting the two points. Let the Euclidean geometry be defined on...
30 March 2015 4,759 30 View
Molecules of usual gas move stochastically. This stochasticity is a result of interaction between gas molecules (collisions of molecules). Let us imagine that molecules of the gas interacts by...
18 March 2015 7,463 11 View
Classical dynamic equations for free motion of a body do not contain the mass of the body. What is a reason, why the Schroedinger equation contain the particle mass?
02 March 2015 4,312 36 View
The Galiley phenomenon took place many years ago, when Galiley introduced the concept of inertia in the Aristotelian mechanics, where this concept was absent. Researchers of that time did not...
19 February 2015 4,874 7 View
Yet Euclid had presented a geometry in a coordinateless form, because he did not know coordinates. But his presentation was pluralistic, i.e. it contained many fundamental concepts and quantities....
04 February 2015 6,202 52 View
There are two versions of this definition (1) vectors AB and CD are equal, if their coordinates in inertial coordinate system are equal, (2) vectors AB and CD are equal, if scalar product (AB.CD}...
26 January 2015 9,876 28 View
At metric approach the proper Euclidean geometry can be described by Euclidean metric completely. In particular, linear dependence of n vectors AB1,AB2,...ABn can be formulated in terms of only...
15 January 2015 2,413 16 View
Any geometry investigates the shape of geometrical objects and their mutual disposition. What is connection between the shape of geometrical objects and a logic? Why properties of geometrical...
08 December 2014 7,698 27 View
Construction of the Riemannian geometry begins from giving manifold, its dimension and a coordinate system on it. On the other hand, the metric (or world function) describes geometry exhaustively....
07 December 2014 7,386 13 View
Usually the discrete geometry is considered as a geometry on a lattice. In other words, discreteness appears due to properties of the pointset, where the geometry is given. In this case, the...
04 December 2014 2,604 8 View