4 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yazan Haddad
Unless doing a simulation of hemoglobin, I rarely see references to dissolved oxygen or carbon dioxide. Are they so much insignificant in biomolecule interactions?
16 March 2017 8,523 3 View
I was reading that hidden surface with a lot of hydrophobic groups is considered an entropic advantage. To expand the question, is it entropic advantage when buried residues are long chained? Is...
17 February 2017 6,281 3 View
Are pi-pi and cation-pi interactions represented in force fields; such as AMBER, CHARMM, etc..? And if not, how significant can this be in studying protein-protein interactions.. should I be worried?
17 October 2016 2,672 2 View
I want to generate a hypothetical mtz file for my homology structure model (without using cif file). Is there software that can generate mtz file from pdb or xyz coordinates?
16 September 2016 6,924 2 View