10 Questions 29 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yavar Taghipour
I am wondering what is the strategy to determine first excited state in the case of small oscillator strengths. For instance, assume that I have solved Casida equation for a molecule and all 20...
04 April 2017 3,024 2 View
I need comparative data about pi-electron distribution over benzimidazole and bipyridine groups. Is there any simple way to calculate it? Furthermore, if the above character will change when we...
06 June 2014 8,667 3 View
I did a excited state calculation with GAMESS by adding tdprt=.true. which writes some properties of the excited state in output (for example, the dipole moment.) Now, I'd like to know about...
04 April 2014 1,352 1 View
Dear GAMESS users. As far as I know, the C-PCM model, calculates the surface charge for a conductor continuum, and then re-normalize it with f=(epsilon-1)/(epsilon+k). If there is any way to...
01 January 2014 2,916 0 View
Acetonitrile in GAMESS. I want to do DFT calculation including PCM model in Gamess, but I have problem to define that as a solvent. As my best knowledge, there is many solvents in DMS table but I...
10 October 2013 9,467 1 View
I want to do ab-initio calculation for an organic D-pai-A dye in presence of a solvent, and this molecule has a cyanoacetic group as an anchoring group, I am not sure about its neutral or anion...
10 October 2013 5,865 15 View
I want to calculate UV/Vis for an organic dye, and I found that increasing the "nstates" in tddft calculations, changes the value of first excitation energy, for example when I change nstate from...
10 October 2013 656 5 View
I am looking for the analytical derivative algorithms which are accessible in quantum chemistry, If in g09 or Gamess the harmonic approximation used to make analytical terms for energy derivatives?
08 August 2013 2,294 1 View
Please consider the adsorption of some organic molecules at the surface of semiconductor. Can the dipole dipole interaction between the adsorbent molecules affect the surface coverage or...
07 July 2013 8,361 2 View
Usually, fwhm considered about 3000 cm-1 in many papers, but this is a very big number in comparison with the corresponding value for Gaussian broadening, in text books--it is about 0.05 cm-1 for...
06 June 2013 10,078 4 View