11 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yassine Hameda Benchekroun
Can someone help me to reach the following article A study of the stability of some commercial solid dosage forms beyond their expiration dates Authors : Stark G.; Fawcett J.P.; Tucker I.G.
30 March 2023 7,025 2 View
Prediction bounds are relatively important when an interval considering the error of the regression model and not only sampling error comparing to the confidence interval.
14 December 2020 8,804 4 View
ICH guidline ask for the justification of presentation of new drug substance, to do so we should follow the ICH Q1(E) guideline, This guideline is destinated to evaluate data stability indeed,...
08 March 2018 3,390 6 View
in the second (optimisation) step of application of design of experiment, we tried to set a model to define most influential factors"we call too surface response methodology" , in parallel, this...
16 October 2017 3,604 2 View
hi, actually I am working on comparing several analytical validation method what i expect that in the classical approach of analytical approach is obligatory that the variance must be...
30 June 2016 826 5 View
to validate any analytical method with the approach of accuracy profile we are obliged to verify the system of suitability test of each method I found in some article that RSD "relative standard...
14 March 2016 1,744 3 View
Validation of analytical method following the total error approach use the accuracy profile, this tool is considered by certain researchers as a statistic which intergrate several parameters of...
29 June 2015 4,614 3 View
I am Working about assay medicin in plasma with a UV Spectrophotometry but what I want to know if their a possibility to work on extract way or to work directly the probleme i have i haven't any...
06 May 2015 7,740 7 View
we choose the limits of acceptability based on the field in which we work, however, I want to know if it's possible or if there is a relation between limit of acceptability and the 95 % limit of...
10 March 2015 4,779 5 View
In validation studies we are obliged to work with a special number of calibration levels
03 February 2015 739 9 View
To compute accuracy profile adopted by the SFSTP guide we should use Beta expectation as an interval, so I find another interval which is Beta content in the statistical field. I would like to...
17 November 2014 3,168 5 View