10 Questions 26 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Woody Lin
eQTL = Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) are genomic loci that contribute to variation in expression levels of mRNAs. In other words, a SNP regulating RNA expression level of a gene. Is...
13 December 2017 9,421 3 View
BRAF V600E mutation has been considered as a hotspot mutation in melanoma. Vemurafenib (a BRAF inhibitor) was shown to have improved survival rates. In the NEJM paper of Vemurafenib, patients...
04 September 2014 5,326 19 View
Dear all, I have been reading a review article published on Nature Review Clinical Oncology in 2013. In the paper entitled "Mutational landscape of HCC", I noticed that TTN was labeled as a gene...
22 July 2014 973 6 View
After reading the sentences, I still don't get why 360,000 mRNA molecules are equal to 12,000 transcripts with 2kb. Could anyone please help? "The majority of RNA molecules are tRNAs and rRNAs....
21 April 2014 4,128 3 View
I would love to see any comparison results from human genes.
11 April 2014 7,665 0 View
One of my colleague thinks that the RNA quality should be fine for those cryo-sliced liver tumor samples. We just need to use more sliced samples to get enough RNA. Is this correct?
03 April 2014 8,041 4 View
In trees of life, people have been using the degree of conservation to assign the branches. I am wondering where I can look up for the numbers representing the diversity or commonality between two...
25 November 2013 3,571 5 View
I found that mRNA levels of hemoglobin genes are downregulated very often in cancers (attached figure). I have checked Google and Wikigene, but I couldn't find any review article giving it an...
08 November 2013 2,016 7 View
I have liver and serum results from metabolomics analysis. Some of the differential signals were identified as amino acids. I am curious whether the amino acids originated from actual metabolism...
29 January 2013 6,353 8 View
ATP determines the direction and an enzyme lowers the activation energy says a textbook. But the forward and backward direction of a bi-directional reaction requires different enzymes. Also some...
20 December 2012 1,528 0 View