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Questions related from Wiwat Wanicharpichat
Due to R. Penrose. Any matrix can be partitioned in the form [A BC CA⁻¹B] (using a suitable arrangement of rows and columns), A being any non-singular submatrix whose rank is equal...
30 July 2016 4,737 10 View
Let A, B ∈ ℂn×n where A is an invertible matrix (and A⁻¹ ≠ AT), but B is a noninvertible. Let C = AB. What is C†? (C† is the Moore-Penrose inverse of C). Suppose that rank C = rank C². What is C#?...
24 July 2016 1,914 19 View
There are some algorithms for transforming arrowhead matrices to tridiagonal form. Is any arrowhead matrix similar to a tridiagonal matrix? What techniques can we use to prove that an arrowhead...
18 January 2016 2,301 9 View
Suppose Ax = λx, where x ≠ 0. Let P be a permutation matrix, if we premultiplying above equation by P, PAx = λPx =: λy, say, effect flip arrays (reverses the order of the elements) in the vertical...
13 March 2015 1,429 20 View