5 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Wassila Guendouzi
Salem, In a wrapper feature selection algorithm, we use the accuracy rate to evaluate the candidate feature subsets during the search process. How can we show that a wrapper feature selection...
28 September 2016 3,306 4 View
Hello, My question is how can I evaluate a discrete metaheuristic using a benchmack mathematical functions. in other words, the concerned metaheuristic handel a discrete solutions xi with D...
09 November 2015 636 3 View
Hi, For doing the evaluation of different feature subsets in the wrapper feature selection methods we need to use the train and the validation sets. and after selecting the best feature subset we...
04 September 2015 7,558 7 View
Hi, Please I need to kow how can i use cross validation to evaluate a wrapper fetaure selection method. I already do this by spliting my data sets into three different sets : training set ,...
25 July 2015 1,525 1 View
Is there any function in weka API or java to effeciently calculate the entropy of an attribut and the join entropy of a pair of attributs, H(a) and H(a1, a2) respectively in a large data sets. if...
22 April 2015 7,504 1 View