4 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vishal Kumar
The Physical Constant that appears every where might be possible that related to geometry of the universe that still needed to be uncovered. For example, if a person is confined inside a room...
01 January 2017 9,428 2 View
I am interested to know the extent to which these defects can be present and effect the measurement because normally measurement are done over large number of nanoparticles. And since these...
12 December 2015 2,225 0 View
The whole point of asking this question is that any unit cell for eg. FCC lattice having more than 1 atom per unit cell is an interpenetration of 2 or more sub units and we can't trace the entire...
04 April 2015 7,512 12 View
I am just curious to know that can sound and light interact in a way that can be used for quantum computation. Because these two are the most fundamental way to communicate and carry information.
03 March 2015 9,324 5 View