5 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vishal Rathod
Hello, I knew that MQTT works on TCP/IP network. But MQTT is application layer IoT protocol. Whether it used all the functionalities of TCP or only some functionalities? If I want to verify...
26 August 2019 6,630 3 View
In my research work, I have to send the continuous packet from CoAP client to CoAP server. I am using Cooja Simulator and er-rest-example for my simulation. I am only able to send the packet when...
08 March 2018 5,208 5 View
Hello, I am working on CoAP. My task is to generate traffic manually and set the rate of it. Also, I want to set Link Delivery Ratio in my simulation for lossy environment. How can I set LDR?...
07 March 2018 4,420 2 View
Hello, I am working on congestion control in IoT. I have found that CoAP is able to handle it. It works on UDP. I have some question about MQTT. 1) Can MQTT able to handle congestion? If yes,...
06 January 2017 9,161 5 View
I would like to knnow that: Is there any streaming protocol available in Contiki OS/ Cooja Simulator? I want to test video streaming application in IoT using simulator. I am waiting for your...
12 October 2015 4,921 3 View