6 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Victor Legkostup
I am developing a maths model with Matlab code of optical coherence tomography signal for checking algorithms of extracting B-scans. Now I am struggling with taking into account optic systems such...
01 February 2023 2,305 4 View
I have two hyperboloids and the curve of their intersection (this can be an ellipse or hyperbola). How can I get an equation of that curve projected onto the plane the curve is placed? I am able...
13 July 2022 3,657 0 View
I tried to solve an equation of Van-der-Pole using linearizations in the current point of the phase space (state-space). This method produced damped oscillations whereas the nonlinear model...
03 March 2021 7,662 3 View
Hello. I have a skewed elliptical coordinate system (I use alternative elliptical coordinates). And I need to determine connections between coordinates in order to fetch a covariance matrix of...
01 March 2021 703 3 View
I faced such a problem. I have a nonlinear system for control synthesis and I should compare not only my controllers but also a linear version of my system to describe the legitimacy of this...
12 February 2021 7,520 7 View
I try to find a solution to the navigation problem. There is a navigation system consists of three navigation positions, forming two bases (one position belongs two bases) and emitting three...
26 February 2020 2,356 1 View