11 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vahid Nouri
Hi all, Using requests in python we can get json files from different webpages. However, in some cases due to Cloud flare or different cookies, we cannot get the json files. On the other hand,...
06 March 2021 5,893 3 View
Hi everyone, I have a zone of water distribution system with a couple of reservoirs. I am going to manage the whole zone's valves using an Artificial Intelligence based system. I have an idea...
03 February 2021 6,117 11 View
Hello all, I have a dataset that contains some pressure meters in a water distribution network and all valves of the network. Since I do not have the graph of the water distribution network, I...
31 October 2020 2,513 4 View
Hello everyone, My issue is about a water distribution system that I am working on a zone of the system where does not exist any plan for the place of pipes. However, we have the place of...
15 September 2020 6,171 6 View
Hi, I have a 3D figure of around 1000 points and the shape of the figure is very similar to a bifurcation. The question is how can I generate the related dynamic equation of these points? Please...
27 June 2018 3,044 9 View
Hello everybody, I want to work on dairy cow motion using three-axis acceleration, but I do not have a standard dataset. Do you know any dataset in this feild?
26 March 2015 9,763 6 View
What are the applications of data mining on the sport fields,same as basketball, football or even on the individual sports? And are there any useful algorithm in these kind of problems? Thanks
04 February 2015 6,698 4 View
What are the applications of data mining in the municipality? Actually, what are the applications of artificial intelligence in the municipality? Based on polling and data which are gathered from...
25 January 2015 6,958 15 View
In many applications we must make a model from the behavior of a man or a group of people. For example, prediction of a gang behavior to find what is their next target. For these kind of examples...
12 July 2013 8,575 12 View
I think if a strong clustering algorithm takes in a hierarchical structure, it can be helpful to reach in a good time order. The clustering algorithm, clustered data to 2 clusters then this...
22 June 2013 4,185 4 View
There are three ways to improve "Type-2 fuzzy clustering" (which are the same for GA): (i) type-2 fuzzy structure (ii) clustering methods (iii) add other parameters So, which way is better?
19 December 2012 6,452 3 View