6 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tim Podlogar
We are planning to run a study validating a commercially available product (i.e. software) and while we initially planned to do it independently of the manufacturer, they heard about our intention...
18 February 2021 2,573 3 View
I am running an exercise study in which people have to undergo three different experimental conditions each (repeated measures design). Each trial ends with a cycling time trial. Some participants...
26 October 2018 8,148 3 View
How much water are we able to absorb in given amount of time in rest or during exercise? I have came across different values and can't really figure out what is to be advised to ultra endurance...
25 December 2015 1,626 3 View
Is there a study that has measured resting metabolic rates on people after different nutrition interventions, like ketogenic diet versus ordinary western diet?
11 April 2015 3,158 4 View
I am looking for a study or an article, where it is defined what the minimum range of motions for each joint are, in order to prevent injuries. To be able to see if a patient has impaired...
15 April 2014 9,960 5 View
I am interested in training protocols, whether to train isometrically or ... I am interested for hiking in sailing.
22 November 2013 329 3 View