16 Questions 45 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Terence B Allen
Consider two different theories of string vibration determined by whether the string stretches as it moves. 1) If the string elongates as it bends, then the force acting on a point along the...
03 November 2023 8,834 10 View
If a string vibrates at 256 cycles per seconds then counting 256 cycles is the measure of 1 second. The number is real because it measures time and the number is arbitrary because it does not have...
22 December 2022 9,324 4 View
The pitch value set in music and guitar group in tablature are connected by adjunction of tangent-cotangent bundles. Tuning g is the tangent gradient to the flow of pitch on guitar. It determines...
05 April 2020 2,870 15 View
The sound envelope is observed as a change in sound amplitude over time when a musical string is plucked. The sound envelope has a sharp upswing called the attack followed by exponential volume...
01 April 2018 6,658 4 View
I think it is clear classic string theory is defined in Z2, if only because waves are 1 and nodes are zero. If we assume the string waves and nodes are defined in Z2 as a deductive system, the...
27 June 2016 9,757 3 View
Check this video: https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=String+vibration+videos&ei=UTF-8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001 It seems to prove the string modes are finite states that are...
18 June 2016 1,161 7 View
The monochord page in Wikipedia implies that the diatonic scale is determined by the monochord instrument to be ratios defined by the position of a movable fulcrum. However, on musical strings...
05 June 2016 306 16 View
Some books imply the modes of a vibrating string are sin waves but I read that Euler said the string shape is a concatenation. A concatenation is the shape of a rope hanging between two points, so...
24 May 2016 4,287 4 View
In Alfred Tarski's "Logic, Semantics, Metamathemaitcs" the set of all meaningful sentences is described and the ordinary two-valued system of sentential calculus L is shown to be a subset of all...
26 April 2016 9,856 1 View
How is pitch defined mathematically by frequency? Given pitch p and frequency f, what is the mathematic relation that defines pitch. In “Mathematics and Music” by David Wright (2009) we are told...
08 April 2016 9,319 3 View
Some say the loom and notch card are the oldest programmable device. The guitar, or the lute, are probably older than the loom and tablature is at least 400 years old. The guitar is programmed by...
29 March 2016 6,717 6 View
We like to think that music is mathematical but according to Wikipedia there is no axiomatic basis for music. How are musical sets constructed using basic set theoretic tools of union,...
17 March 2016 892 7 View
The Newtonian model of string vibration traces to Euler who asserted the string can have the shape of any curve that can be drawn free hand. The Hamiltonian model traces to Brook Taylor who...
01 January 1970 1,303 3 View
The guitar is a machine operated by a robotic arm. The tuning is the state by which every other state on guitar is known. Therefore, it must be possible to learn the mathematic structure of guitar...
01 January 1970 1,154 0 View
Newtonian and Hamiltonian formalism should produce the same result. But on the string they don't. A clear dichotomy. One is false, the other true. The Newtonian and Hamiltonian equations of...
01 January 1970 5,330 0 View
Taylor described harmonic motion on the string using Newtonian physics as a smooth manifold. This is absolutely unequivocal in Incremental Methods Direct and Indirect. The string field is uniform,...
01 January 1970 5,093 4 View