5 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tareef Kamil Mustafa
Im planning to make a 2 courses data mining for bachelor students.. the couses are title 1- clustering algorithms in data mining 2- classification data mining. Im listing here the algorithms ill...
11 November 2018 8,597 1 View
Hello.. Is there any app that can handle text corpus and vut it inyo chunks or token attributes such as frequent word, pair of words? Thank you
01 January 1970 8,777 8 View
Between weka and orange.. Which app has easear usage and user frendly, which can mannage big data Which has more data mining algoritms.. And of you have a better app.. suggest it Thank
01 January 1970 8,739 14 View
Good day colleagues Can you suggest some titles for projects and researchs that shows the benefits and advantages of using simple or hybrid data mining algoritms on big data cases? Thanks
01 January 1970 4,586 2 View
Hi.. In the text mining topic, stylometric attributes exactly.. is there any research paper suggest the optimal attributes quantity used for authorship detection in an anonymous novel?
01 January 1970 850 0 View