4 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tânia Nobre
Dear all, I am trying to design primers for a AS-PCR and I am facing some problems with one of my target SNPs. As for the others, I have been considering the following when designing the AS...
27 September 2017 4,378 7 View
Can someone help me in understanding the relation between Tajima's D test and ZnS test for linkage disequilibrium? And how does recombination influence the statistics? Basically, the Tajima's D...
01 July 2016 319 4 View
Hi everyone, I would like to get into contact with researchers that are familiar with analyses of data obtained with Nextera Miseq Illumina. Basically, I am having problems in merging and/or...
17 June 2016 6,196 4 View
I have been trying to amplify a gene from DNA extracted from wild mature carrot root with no success. In the beginning of the season, i.e., when the wild carrots were still young the methodologies...
21 August 2013 3,862 45 View