7 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Syed Hussain Ali Bokhari
The aperture of horn antennas is usually large. This creates problems of requiring more distance and room for far field measurements. Is there a way, we can use patch antennas or other...
13 June 2020 7,107 7 View
For directive antennas, a wave front will propagate as spherical form at shorter distances, and as the propagation distance increases, its wavefront radius will get bigger. so at any particular...
04 June 2020 4,935 1 View
In a generic setup, where metasurface is placed between the two antennas, what should be the minimum distance between the two antennas for accurate measurements: preferably in far field.?
04 June 2020 1,880 3 View
I want to measure the reflection and transmission parameters of a metasurface. I have placed the metasurface in between the two horn antennas that are connected to the 2 ports of VNA. How will I...
25 February 2020 3,831 5 View
I have seen unit cell designs that only perform at normal incidence while there are some designs that perform for a wide range of incidence angles. what is the reason or explanation behind this....
19 January 2020 6,640 2 View
I have designed a metasurface which has a thickness of 0.78mm. Its operating frequency is around 15 GHz. Can I call it ultra thin?. In terms of lamda, the thickness of metasurface is lamda/23
11 January 2020 8,736 6 View
A friend of mine is currently working on designing a SIW based power divider. The frequency range is 27-29 GHz. The simulations show the required response in the above mentioned band but I am...
27 March 2019 4,482 2 View