8 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Susan Costen Owens
Some genetic interpretation companies are using GRCh37 and others GRCh38, and right now there is data coming from both assemblies. It is easy to have data on the same person from both 37 and 38....
02 December 2022 9,450 3 View
When a diagnostic lab furnishes normal ranges for certain microbes, is there any place to compare their ranges to what scientists are discovering is normal variability or adaptations? Is there a...
30 December 2019 4,978 2 View
Are you aware of food lists more specific to Australian cuisine that might help people closer to your geography?
20 January 2019 6,797 0 View
You can see I have a project on ampd1 and I actually have a facebook group of people with this gene defect, and their issues are much more complex than the muscle phenotype. After exercise,...
26 July 2018 9,518 3 View
There is a literature talking about several viruses affecting thiamine chemistry, but I don't see that anyone has studied this area in an organized way or seen how these viruses might alter...
04 April 2017 4,079 3 View
I'm hoping to find a source of data that goes back before the 1940's and I would be delighted to learn that there are places to look more for international statistics, or comparisons,even, by...
01 August 2016 7,798 4 View
I know of a patiemt who has seizures many times a day when not on vancomycin, but it seems he has to be on the drug daily to avoid grand mal seizures. Are there other effects of vancomycin on the...
13 June 2016 1,589 2 View
If there is a literature on conditions that come from interactions of gene defects, I'm not sure how to find it. Now that we have cheaper whole exome and whole genome sequencing, is any group...
01 January 1970 3,069 4 View