5 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sukanta Goswami
In ancient volcanic terrain the bimodal volcanism is observed and generally the basaltic lavas are more common than acidic counterpart. However, thats may not be due to preservation but less...
02 February 2018 979 0 View
It is noticed while going through the modern day papers except a few structural geological and sedimentological papers that the general approach is to collect samples and take as less field...
09 September 2017 9,737 2 View
There are several experienced personalities who do not have PhD degree but have got immense experience and that huge expertise must be reflected in the form of book which may become significant...
06 June 2017 5,081 8 View
Dear colleagues, I need a full list of Indian greenstone belts. Preferably, craton wise name list will be of immense help. Please let me know what is the difference between greenstone belt, schist...
05 May 2017 7,717 10 View
Can I have some detail explanation of Lit per lit gneiss development mechanisms with some model depicting all the possible stages of development? How does it differ from other gneiss?
02 February 2017 8,138 0 View