13 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Subin Koshy
The data collected from various measurement devices often contains erroneous values - such as noise, missing values, etc. What are the popular techniques for pre-processing measurement data in...
15 February 2021 4,950 2 View
What are the various techniques to predict missing data in power systems? Mostly referring to the measurement data coming in from sensors or smart meters. References are welcome. Thanks in advance!
20 January 2021 6,937 4 View
PMU data can go missing due to several factors - faulty PMU or PDC or communication channel, cyber attack, etc. Bad data can be also caused due to some of the above reasons or maybe due to some...
29 December 2020 8,460 3 View
I require the machine (generator) data for H, Rs, Xd, Xtd, Xq, Xtq, Td0, Tq0 and D; as well as the exciter data (kA, TA, kE, TE, kF and TF). If you can share the machine data file or link, it will...
23 December 2020 2,662 3 View
When using PMU data for estimating the state of power system (basically, a generator), are the system parameters required?
15 December 2020 5,427 3 View
PMUs are manufactured worldwide by many manufacturers and they are employed in various locations, basically for the monitoring of the system. What are the significant standards to be followed in...
25 February 2020 8,495 1 View
I am looking for some standard power quality indices. By the PQ index, I mean the numerical value which gives an insight into the quality of the power supply waveform being monitored. For...
06 January 2020 2,246 6 View
I would like to know which model would be more efficient in using for transient stability simulation studies?
11 March 2019 1,994 6 View
Well, I would like to use the PMU Data for testing or validating state estimation algorithms. So I would like to get few suggestions of how to get this PMU data. I had developed a PMU Model based...
08 March 2019 6,293 1 View
In MATLAB it is possible to develop a PMU Model and get the phasor data from it. But is it possible to set a timestamp also? By timestamp, i mean can i get the time and date at which the...
18 February 2019 4,248 2 View
In a power system, consider that all the bus's are connected with a PMU from which we get the magnitude of voltage and angle, then is there any use of performing State Estimation again?
07 August 2018 9,619 14 View
Hi, I am going to start my Doctorate (PhD) research work in bringing about an efficient PMU data processing algorithm. I have gone through a lot of research papers related. However, if you have...
20 June 2017 227 1 View
Generator can be modelled using the Classical Swing Equation model as well as higher order models. What are the advantages (and disadvantages) when the order of the model is increased? Is there...
01 January 1970 4,856 7 View