25 Questions 131 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Steve Faulkner
What different quantum states should we expect for a graviton. I understand a spin 2 particle is predicted; what does that mean in terms of eigenstates?
12 December 2015 776 21 View
If the decision between two choices is to be made, but neither choice is preferred over the other, because there is perfect symmetry between the two, then no information separates the choices and...
04 April 2015 9,977 53 View
Are randomness and probability independent of one another, or does one depend on the other, or are they different expressions of the same thing?
03 March 2015 1,577 54 View
In pure mathematics there is no absolute truth [Stabler]; we invent rules then see what they prove or see what is consistent with them. So in physics, what kind of truths are we looking for? Are...
02 February 2015 7,725 45 View
Eigenfunctions are those functions that satisfy eigenvalue equations. In quantum physics we say that because an eigenvalue equation is linear, then all linear combinations of its solutions are...
02 February 2015 10,196 17 View
Eigenfunctions are those functions that satisfy eigenvalue equations. That is, eigenfunctions are the solutions of eigenvalue equations. In quantum physics we say that because an eigenvalue...
02 February 2015 3,106 2 View
For those who believe Nature could not operate without mathematical structures or processes, what items of evidence should be written down in an article in support of this view?
10 October 2014 2,066 74 View
Will this be the final incarnation of this question? My purpose in asking these questions is to motivate the kind of physical theory that accepts that Physical Laws are part of The Universe, as...
10 October 2014 1,267 28 View
If a computer program were to be written to simulate The Universe (Everything), would the simulation need to include the computer and program? And if so, what process could boot this Universe...
10 October 2014 4,453 19 View
Could Fermat and Wilson's Theorem be the reason space is locally Euclidiean, and if so, does curved-spacetime disobey their theorem?
10 October 2014 6,995 14 View
If we accept, as a premise, that the Universe is self-referent or logically circular, where should we look for this circularity and what should we look for?
10 October 2014 7,377 15 View
When we measure the speed of light, we measure a beam or pulse. Are we correct to extrapolate this speed to single photons? Are we correct to infer that single photons have any definite speed, at...
10 October 2014 7,054 29 View
For instance: are all eigenfunctions favoured, or are all non-eigenfunctions supressed?
10 October 2014 3,247 12 View
Special relativity is not a theory for single photons because the speed of light can be measured only for beams of light, never single photons.
10 October 2014 8,983 4 View
As opposed to mathematics being an invention, what evidence would convince us that mathematics is there already in Nature?
09 September 2014 4,407 85 View
Is anyone aware of any physical system where information flows circularly within the system?
09 September 2014 8,184 7 View
Are physicists aware that, as opposed to the classical logic of true and false, arithmetic as a formal axiomatised system, consists of formulae that are either: provable from axioms, or, negatable...
09 September 2014 5,376 8 View
Do physicists see arithmetic as a fundamental part of physics that influences processes in Nature, or does arithmetic have nothing to do with Nature?
09 September 2014 2,132 8 View
In a formal arithmetical system, axiomatised under the field axioms, the square root of minus one is logically independent of axioms. This is proved using Soundness and Completeness Theorems...
09 September 2014 5,465 13 View
For a general quantum system, what is the precise information content of a prepared state? And what is the precise information content after measurement? The question I am asking here is not...
09 September 2014 6,540 3 View
Does any one have a view on the possiblity that Fermat's and Wilson's Theorem might be the background cause of Pythagoras all around us?
09 September 2014 498 4 View
I am studying the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. I have a quantum theory based on a formal axiomatised arithmetic of scalars. This is being considered under the disciplines of...
09 September 2014 2,732 31 View
Does the communication of gravitation involve energy? And if it does, does that mean gravitons, or what ever they are, are massive? And if they are massive, does that mean gravitons are...
09 September 2014 930 55 View
Whenever we invoke a representation for a group --using a matrix group, or group of differential operators -- are we converting a problem in group variables to one in arithmetical variables (field...
09 September 2014 8,338 10 View
Its fairly intuitive that for a wave mechanical system in a bound potential well, eigenfunctions stem from the idea of standing waves. And that, in order to form, standing waves need reflection....
09 September 2014 704 6 View