6 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Stephan De Spiegeleire
Data-intensive research is still all the rage these days. Breakthroughs in AI (and especially NLP) seem likely to only accelerate its adoption. But can anybody provide examples (preferably from...
18 January 2021 10,264 4 View
Textmining tools are becoming ever more useful, but it remains difficult to find good tools for CJK languages. If anybody knows of good tools for - especially - Chinese, I'd be grateful for a link.
20 August 2015 2,579 5 View
Is there a (preferably open-source) tool available that generates co-occurrence tables for n-grams? I.e.: that can tell you which n-grams a bigram like "water security" tends to co-occur with...
26 November 2013 4,563 7 View
Does anybody know of any useable textmining software programs that do topic modeling and also cover Chinese as a language? This seems harder to find that I had thought. I found things like...
05 December 2012 8,950 1 View
Nvivo is not the most user-friendly program in the world and has a very slow (and frankly sometimes awful) upgrade cycle. Does anybody happen to know of any open-source alternatives with an...
24 September 2012 3,608 58 View
Does anybody know of a way to automatically classify a corpus of about 15'000 articles from academic journals into their respective academic disciplines (e.g. like Journalseek)? Ideally, we would...
23 February 2012 392 11 View