6 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Srinivas Allanki
I have seen some answers saying that we can use DMEM instead of RPMI (11.89mM Glucose). But I want to culture them in a low glucose medium (5mM Glucose) as per my experiments and we don't have low...
28 July 2015 7,329 3 View
THP1 monocytes, despite of them being a suspension culture are getting adhered (all the cells) to the dish during serum starvation (at least 45mins to 1hr in basal RPMI). They are adhering so...
20 June 2015 6,139 7 View
As per ATCC guidelines, there should be a 0.01 mg/ml of insulin in the medium. Please explain if there are any noticeable changes (phenotypic and genotypic) in the cell line?
29 March 2014 2,011 0 View
What is the difference between normal primers and nested primers and why are nested specfically used in TAIL PCR?
03 May 2013 1,513 7 View
Is it diffusion or osmosis?
16 April 2013 5,040 2 View
Day by day bacteria are turning antibiotic resistant. So, the alternative that people came up with is using bacteriophages to kill specific bacteria that are causing trouble to us. How successful...
09 April 2013 7,045 4 View