4 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Somnath Bhowmick
I am trying to calculate van der Waals radius for silver atoms and ions. Could anyone explain the steps required to perform accurate calculations.
04 August 2020 2,852 3 View
Basically I want to save coordinates and momentum of atoms after n time step so that I can restart my calculation in case of an error or exceeding wall time. My MD code is in Fortran.
20 June 2018 8,422 5 View
I am doing some test CASSCF calculation followed by a NBO analysis in Gaussian09. For ex: If I want to analyze the triplet spin of the first excited B2 state (in c2v symmetry) of water, how do I...
10 March 2015 7,049 8 View
I want to calculate potential energy curve and change in dipole moment for F- (fluorine anion) approach to the H2 molecule. Since, dipole moment of ionic molecule depends on the choice of...
27 August 2014 9,373 15 View