6 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shilpi Nagpal
Do we need to do a J-model test before preparing the phylogenetic tree from RAxML or after it is prepared? In both the conditions what are the values of different parameters we need to add. Please...
12 June 2021 4,255 2 View
Basically, I wanted to ask if we should prepare these components in RNAse free water and use directly or should we prepare them first and then autoclave them ? If we autoclave, wont it chnage the...
05 December 2020 4,756 2 View
are there any experiments which can be done to identify the divalentmetal ion bound to the protein? Any chemical or biophysical tools which can be used to identify thedivalent metal ion bound to...
27 May 2018 322 9 View
So, at lower concentration of polymerase 20nM , the polymerase shows only 40% incorporation . The conc of DNA 50nM, dNTP 100 micromolar. Can I go for higher concentration of polymerase to show...
08 January 2018 1,168 1 View
Hi, we do assays using FAm labelled RNA, and I use such oligos to do my terminal transferase assay. We want to see addition of one nt by enzyme( so in short we want to see that a RNA primer has...
02 December 2016 4,285 1 View
I have a protein, which shows precipitation in the following condition of buffer: HEPES(25mM, pH 7.5), DTT 2mM, NaCl 500mM, Glycerol 5%. Even when glycerol was increased to 20%, still it showed...
22 August 2015 3,319 13 View