9 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sheku Kanteh
Particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, information on best practices for crop protection is grossly limited, compared to what prevails in other parts of the world. I notice that apps are being...
08 October 2016 6,995 6 View
A common weed in cassava farms in Northern Sierra Leone. The unknown plant is dominant in crop fields of Kambia and PortLoko Districts, in Northern Sierra Leone. It was discovered during a survey...
15 August 2015 8,667 2 View
Recent observation from a survey currently undertaken in Sierra Leone indicates that cassava is being serious damage by grasshopper, irrespective of variety (improve and local). This was observed...
14 February 2015 5,826 4 View
Moringa is widely known for its medicinal and food value. Can it be utilized for plant disease control? What are some of the phytochemicals in moringa leaves?
10 February 2015 4,471 2 View
Some exotic varieties of papaya (Carica papaya) were observed to be highly susceptible to mealybug infestations in 2014 in Sierra Leone, but all local cultivars within the same vicinity were not...
02 February 2015 827 3 View
Before the outbreak of ebola In West Africa, dead bodies are usually given a befitting burial using the traditional system (rectangular hole about 6-8 feet deep, 2-4 feet wide). During the peak of...
28 January 2015 3,178 4 View
Cowpea root nodulation, like other legumes is important for fixing N to the soil. How can this be promoted using leaves of pawpaw, saim weed and neem?
24 January 2015 1,419 2 View
Weed seedbank study is important. No matter how many times a crop field is weeded, newer weeds emerge. Why is this the case? How do we manage this problem?
19 January 2015 7,564 5 View
A preliminary survey of spiraling whitefly was conducted in 2001 and 2002 in the western area of Sierra Leone. I think a more comprehensive survey of the pest in the 14 geographical districts in...
15 January 2015 7,596 4 View