7 Questions 57 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shakil Ahmed
I am analyzing a dataset. There I have 4 variables that are used to diagnose a disease. Among them, 3 were "Lab test report findings" e.g. Test A, Test B, Test C and 1 "clinical findings" i.e....
11 November 2019 2,442 8 View
I have found some articles (published) related to the "Public Health", providing references from some local newspapers of certain countries in their "Introduction" part. I am not sure whether it...
11 November 2019 6,438 4 View
I am analyzing a dataset. There I have a group of participants whose age range is 10-17 years. I have their gender, date of birth, height and weight. I want to measure their BMI for age, z-score...
11 November 2019 6,625 6 View
Most of the young researchers get confused with these two statistical tests while analyzing. In order to better understand this issue, I am putting forward a discussion for expert opinions. When...
01 January 1970 6,530 9 View
Recently, I have learnt this "Box Cox Transformation of the non-normal data into normal one". I have several question regarding this issue to the expert. 1. When should we transform our...
01 January 1970 7,949 3 View
Can anyone suggest me some good packages and probably some "r command" on how to create a map of any country or city in R software that actually will use latitudes and longitudinal coordination to...
01 January 1970 3,281 3 View
In one of my research, I have a total of 413 participants. I want to present one of the variables' outcomes using "Waffle Plot". As ar as I know, the Waffle plot is used in research where the...
01 January 1970 8,743 9 View