7 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Serageldeen Sultan
Is there any standardized protocol to do Hi test for evaluating the antibodies against vaccine virus strain and mismatched of these antibodies by wild viruses
12 December 2015 6,426 3 View
As I showed in two papers they use the same primer but each one used quite different Tm (57C and 46C). Why? For your knowledge this is the primer sequence 5'TGG CGC ACY GTW TCY CAC CG3'.
10 October 2014 555 2 View
I did a survey for AIV in bird serum by ELISA (coated with NP antigen) and HI (H5 and H9) tests. However, there are samples that give positive results by HI but were negative by ELISA. Is there a...
11 November 2013 9,023 5 View
I have used the primers VC-F cgg cgt ggc tgg ata cat tg and VC-R gtc aca ctt aaa tag tag cgt cc to amplify 389bp specific for V. cholera but every time a small band less than 100bp appears...
06 June 2013 8,803 15 View
I checked the pH of tris (6.8) and fresh preparation of APS solution. What is the reason?
02 February 2013 4,574 18 View
I need help to determine the Tm of this primer pair Primer F 5' ATCCCAAGCCTTCTACC 3' Primer R 5' GCCACAGCAGTGTTTTCT' 3' I tried several annealing temp. 47 , 50, 51 and 52C but no...
10 October 2012 804 6 View
Hello, I am going to do an experiment about the estimation of the cellular immunity, specially that convey by T cells in immunosupressive viral infection. So, I am wondering Is there a simple...
04 April 2012 6,065 6 View