3 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Santiago Montero-Mendieta
On phylogenomics datasets, what is a good threshold of missing data for species tree reconstruction? I was thinking on using the following thresholds: 1) For a particular species, exclude a...
05 May 2018 6,917 0 View
I'm struggling to understand the Watterson estimator. Can someone explain me how do I compute Watterson's theta across the whole genome of each population in a large SNP dataset? If I have two...
07 July 2017 3,163 3 View
Dear colleagues, I'm trying to extract genomic DNA from amphibian muscle tissue without getting any RNA contamination. I'm using two different extraction methods: 1) Qiagen DNA Tissue Kit 2)...
03 March 2016 3,699 5 View