8 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Saima Afaq
Hi, I am conducting a clinical trial in rural area of developing country with low education level and no reading/writing skills. We will be providing them some instructions to follow during the...
13 September 2018 8,360 1 View
Hi, I have a data frame that includes people who developed end stage renal disease (ESRD) and those who didn't (controls). I want to match my cases with controls based on age, sex and ethnicity....
27 February 2018 2,035 5 View
I have stratified my results according to Ethnicity (south asians and Europeans), Gender (Male and female) and Age (4 different age groups). So I have a Beta value (from regression) for South...
15 October 2016 2,454 2 View
Hi, Can any one suggest a statistical test to determine the accuracy of a prediction model? The prediction model has been developed using multiple linear regression and the variables are...
09 September 2016 4,996 19 View
Hi, I have leisure time physical activity data and I want to calibrate it against physical activity accelerometer (Actigraph GT3X+). Once I get the questionnaire calibrated I will use those...
02 August 2016 2,142 10 View
I need some help infact a lot of help undersating the autocalibration procedure of physcial activity acceleromters. I have been reading a paper by van hees et al, JAP 2014. but struggling to...
24 June 2016 1,727 9 View
Is there any validation study available for the ACSMs equation for measuring Metabolic equivalents (workload/energy expenditure) during the exercise treadmill test please? Ideally with...
11 May 2016 7,442 2 View
Hi, I am trying to find the relationship between physical activity and glucose levels using multivariate linear regression. Glucose levels is the dependent variable and physical activity measuere...
05 May 2016 6,651 6 View