5 Questions 42 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sagar Gaikwad
Presently I am using the following steps: 1. I'm using freshly collected blood in EDTA- vacutainer tube. 2. Then, the blood was dilution at 1:3 ratio (blood: Media) in a cell culture plate...
09 September 2017 7,604 12 View
I am planning to design and synthesis of novel small inhibitors/antagonist of TLRs. How should I begin? I have requested many private companies to provide samples but they could'nt provide as per...
03 March 2014 2,168 3 View
I wish to study T cell proliferation using Macrophage (adherent)- T cell (suspension) culture. After Ag treatment to Macrophage (24-48 hour), followed by fixing with 1% polyformaldehyde, I will...
12 December 2013 7,592 14 View
I am trying to assay the IL-1b from culture supernatant of mouse macrophage cell line but I'm not getting results. I am getting results with standard but not with samples, though I don't know...
05 May 2013 7,480 7 View
Presently I am using the following steps: 1. Total cellular RNA extraction using the Trizol method. 2. Estimation of RNA using Nanospect. 3. One microgram of RNA used for reverse transcription...
03 March 2013 2,060 53 View