8 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sa Ja
Dear all, I want to investigate the velocity profile of water in CNTs(distribution of z component velocity along the radial direction and the radial component of velocity ). I divided the CNT...
07 February 2020 3,703 1 View
Dear users, I want to compute the viscosity of Tip3p model of water in CNTs. In some litratures said that about radial and axial viscosities, but others just said viscosity. I want to know that...
24 September 2019 341 1 View
Dear all, I want to know about the hydrodynamic equations for junction of pipes with non-uniform cross section. how about the Hagen-poisueille equation for these type of junctions? how could...
29 May 2019 3,813 5 View
Dear all, Does anybody simulate the hexagonally packed CNT with lammps? I want to study about water permeation through these membrane. please introduce me some papers. thanks
18 May 2019 2,811 5 View
Dear users; I want to simulate SiCNT or BNNT, but I have some problems! could anybody help me? is there a script or program or software that simulate this nanotubes before? please itroduce me...
23 May 2016 3,932 2 View
Dear All, How could I calculate the slip velocity of water in a nanochannel using LAMMPS? Is it possible in lammps? Any help would be much appreciated. Regards,
08 January 2016 4,309 3 View
Dear all, I am working on topic to predict the friction coefficient of water in nanochannels using Lammps. If somebody can provide the Lammps code for worked out problems like this that would be...
31 December 2015 7,524 2 View
Dear all, I want to calculate friction coefficient of water in cnt using Green-Kubo relation. it uses the friction force autocorrelation function, but i don't know how to define force for it....
30 December 2015 2,225 3 View