6 Questions 2 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from s. Alireza Pakdaman Shahri
Hello, in a Finite Volume based software like Ansys Fluent, what is the difference between structured and unstructured mesh ? And what exactly are they ? I searched through the Internet, but...
16 August 2017 2,142 8 View
I am studying some literatures on ECG signal processing and I came up with the word "lead". I can not find what it means. For example in this sentence : "The 12-lead ECG, which contains six front...
27 June 2016 5,271 5 View
Hello, I have a heat transfer simulation in Ansys CFX and it is a thermodynamic cycle and thus have a periodic solution. I do not know how convergence works for this problem , because it does not...
22 May 2016 7,550 4 View
I have a basic CFX simulation already set up. I have lots of parameters I need to vary making the simulation take much longer than we have time. I want to speed up the simulation, but have no...
14 April 2016 5,333 12 View
There is a low pass filter . And my sampling frequency is fs. the Matlab code of the lpf is as follows: % y = LPFilter(x,fc),% Second order zero-phase Lowpass filter%% inputs:% x: vector or...
04 October 2015 8,500 3 View
I have phase and magnitude and frequency responses of a filtered signal. I want to find the filter coefficients. Thank you in advance.
22 March 2015 6,439 9 View