6 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ryan Freeman
Hi all, Looking at the wikipedia page for photonic crystals, there is a section that reads: "One-dimensional photonic crystals can include layers of non-linear optical materials in which the...
03 February 2022 3,084 5 View
Cavity modes are a consequence of constructive interference of EM waves in a particular region. It is common knowledge that the (frequency) linewidth of a cavity resonance is broadened by both...
18 December 2019 2,775 6 View
I am aware that due to the properties of spinors, to return a spinor to its initial state by rotation, the spinor must be rotated by 4*pi radians, i.e. rotation by 720 degrees. While I was taught...
05 August 2019 5,912 4 View
The underlying physics behind quantization axes for the electrons spin has never really been clear to me. I saw the Pauli matrices in my quantum courses, but the definition of different principle...
05 August 2019 6,601 3 View
I feel like I've seen several different papers say that ohmic losses in metals become very large at: low frequency, high frequency, and at plasmonic resonances. Are all of these true, or am I...
12 September 2017 5,280 3 View
I've read papers about the Rashba effect, Dresselhaus effect, and Dzyalonshinskii-Moriya Interaction but don't understand fundamentally why breaking spatial symmetry is a pre-requisite to see...
24 May 2016 6,051 3 View