7 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Reout Arbel
Hey, I am running a multiple regression and was asked to compute power analysis for a difference between two slope within the regression line. What I do is looking on differences between father...
03 July 2020 7,919 3 View
Hi everyone, I want to use the RI-CLPM to analyze associations between two continues variables across 3 waves. I was able to run the R-CLPM but not sure where I find the results for the...
11 November 2019 3,154 2 View
Hello, I am running an MLM model in Mplus and struggle to find the variance e covariance matrix. I understand it takes two steps of finding the relevant parameter (tech 1?) and then looking for...
28 September 2019 8,695 2 View
Hello, I am running a cross level interaction (random intercept and random slope) in Mplus. Is there a way to get the R square for it? I know standardized values are not plausible. Thank you!
24 June 2019 5,514 3 View
Hi, I have a question regarding power to detect effects when probing an interaction. Let say I probe a significant interaction (continues predictor, moderator and outcome) at 1 SD above or below...
06 June 2019 2,229 0 View
I need it for budget propose Thank you!
24 January 2016 9,714 2 View
Hello, For the purpose of a grant proposal I need to estimate the rate of attrition in a longitudinal study. In a prior wave we collected about 300 families with a child at the age of 5. Now 4...
01 January 1970 3,940 3 View