10 Questions 235 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Renaud Di Francesco
Artificial Intelligence helps develop automated decision systems configuring service features including tailored pricing (incorporating risk assessment) for each customer. Customers request...
01 January 2020 6,054 3 View
In online banking, the online customer has to repeatedly prove who he/she is, but the bank does not prove its genuine identity. How can this asymmetry be addressed, with a secure handshake for...
09 September 2019 6,712 3 View
I have just observed on the number of strawberries I was able to eat today that: -when you carefully take the leaves off the strawberry -the back of the strawberry shows a pentagonal shape See...
06 June 2019 545 5 View
How can IoT trigger and support the development and availability of AI based systems? I have one example, in navigation (AI based routing), where IoT sensors vehicle visit locations for increased...
05 May 2019 2,749 2 View
An artificial neuron performs a non-linear function denoted by sigma, on the weighted sum of its multiple input signals plus a constant denoted by theta. What's the role of sigma? Is there any...
05 May 2019 2,341 7 View
One has the impression that in the current commercial navigation platform, driving are the first concern, and pedestrians come as a second thought. This seems quite unsatisfactory in the city of...
04 April 2019 5,128 1 View
When a classical legacy system such as a manufacturing production line, gets upgraded with a deterministic module replaced by an AI module, what are the criteria to consider, and how to adapt...
04 April 2019 8,359 5 View
Progressed a practical platform structure, but needs business partners to help deliver service, and medical partners to ensure appropriate features in the system. Please advise
08 August 2017 3,297 3 View
Trying to add features to support elderly walkers, wheelchair users, within AAL (Active Assisted Living)
04 April 2017 2,560 0 View
AI Datasets can serve multiple phase purpose: -1) training dataset To learn the weights of the neurons -2) checking dataset An independent Dataset assessing that the trained model works properly...
01 January 1970 4,972 3 View