4 Questions 22 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ranjan Singh
Working on various deletion/truncation/interface mutants of a membrane protein and trying to determine the effect of those on there oligomeric state. Is there any way to determine oligomeric state...
14 February 2014 3,362 4 View
I want to make a figure which have a sequence and its structure Annotated on top of it. If somebody knows any software related to this then please let me know. I am not asking any structure...
05 October 2012 5,610 3 View
I am looking for a software with which I can represent my multiple sequence alignment results in a more concise representative block diagram, which could show the relative conservation of residues...
15 August 2012 3,869 5 View
HI, Can anybody suggest me a Journal related to human disease? I want to submit a paper which shows the structural basis of a rare human disease. I can go to JBC or JMB...but I wanted to send in...
31 January 2012 4,509 3 View