5 Questions 80 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rana Momani
Dear all Any recommendation for a software to extract standard error for loadings other than R because I couldn't handle well, and robust statistics to decide between two competitive exploratory...
11 November 2017 7,535 2 View
Dear allI am using CFA for validating the attitudes toward statistics questionnaire SATS36, when I use the items of subscales it yielded a poor fit, while when use total score for subscales as an...
03 March 2016 2,266 3 View
Dear all I am wondering is it right to have a validity index value more than the value of the square root of the reliability index, while there is a rule that max validity( = or less) sqrt...
02 February 2016 1,612 5 View
Dear all I tried to get freeware to check local item dependence such as IRTNEW and LDIP but I can not find any link for them in the internet, would you help me if you have links for them or any...
10 October 2015 6,741 4 View
Dear all I tried to use R (lavaan, mirt) several times, but I always got failed and have so many errors, can any one have a general tips and papers which might help. thanks all.
05 May 2015 1,648 2 View