3 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ramya Raman
Could anyone say how does a Bump wavelet look like? I was able to find some theory about it in few places but I want to know how it looks like. Please can anyone help ?
21 October 2019 5,478 2 View
Could someone say how to use the R packages in this link https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/hht/hht.pdf ? I have just installed RStudio. I imported my signal in data matrix. How do I...
24 May 2019 2,231 0 View
I have a huge data for which I want to apply wavelet and plot scalogram. the below code works for small data. However, I have a huge signal, for which I am not able to plot scalogram. Can anyone...
11 April 2019 2,094 3 View