7 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rakibul Hassan
XRD peaks in the Ni doped Zn Ferrites are observed to shift slightly with the variation of both contents. Why does it happen? And what kind of message may we get from it?
02 May 2021 1,156 8 View
Suppose, a ferrite sample is sintered at 1150℃ for 5-hour holding temperature. Now if the same sample is allowed for sintering at the same temperature for the second time as it mentioned above, is...
02 March 2021 899 8 View
A file of two images has been attached to this question. This is a ferrite composition that has been prepared adopting auto-combustion method. The SEM of this sample has exhibited a peculiar grain...
01 January 1970 2,528 3 View
I want to write a paper on FTIR to describe the Elastic property or (and) something that pertains to the FTIR . Generally, we see the authors introduce XRD in their papers to describe the...
01 January 1970 899 5 View
From FTIR peaks, we can generally calculate the elastic property and the Debye temperature from the Waldron model of a composition. What else we can calculate aside these calculations?
01 January 1970 4,430 10 View
If the unit of MxH is (emu-Oe/g), what does this unit represent?
01 January 1970 4,531 6 View
Combustion technique is one of the methods used to synthesis material. It is inexpensive than the solid-state reaction technique. It makes the grain size in nanoscale. What are the other...
01 January 1970 6,098 1 View